Q & A!
Have a question? You can come here for an answer!
What is Age of Arkaeon?
Age of Arkaeon, or AoA for short, is a dinosaur mecha webcomic that takes place in the far future of Earth. Arkaeons are mechs that were once prehistoric creatures, now becoming powerful weapons to those who use them as such. However, there's more to them than fighting...
When are issues to be released?
Issues should be released every other Friday at 3 PM, but don't be surprised if sometimes they're delayed! Currently, aside from my two beta readers, I'm the only one working on it. With that being said, I'll do my best to stay on schedule and apologize for late issues in advance!
Why is an issue late?
As stated in the previous question, I do all the work on the comic asides from beta reading. I also have stuff come up in life. Again, I'll do my best to stay on time though!